Dragonball GT Episode 33 (Aired 01/15/96) Kurae Bebii!! Shinsei Uubu hissatsu kousen!! Eat This, Baby! New Uubu's Killing Light Ray!! Gokuu is still in pain, as the others struggle to pull his tail out. The boy asks what is happening on the crystal ball, and escapes the pincers to get a better look. Impressed at Uubu's new power, Gokuu grabs a boulder and asks the old coot to pull out his tail faster. The old coot asks for Suguro's help, and the space tanuki turns into a rope to tie Gokuu in place. Then, Kaiou-bit, the old coot, and Suguro (a continuity error here?) keep yanking as Gokuu keeps yells in pain. Baby tells his people to move back. Uubu starts bulking up. Baby is expecting to have some real fun this time, but Uubu's new powers surprise him and he gets pounded. Uubu announces that he's merged with Buu, and slams Baby into the ground. Uubu tries to turn Baby into chocolate, but Baby escapes. Lots of bystanders get converted instead. Uubu apologizes and promises to turn the people back into humans later. Uubu attacks with a neat series of guided energy beams that turn into a tornado before slamming towards Baby. Baby and Uubu go into another energy beam showdown. Meanwhile, Gokuu tells the others to stop pulling, because he has a better idea. In the next scene, Dai Kaiou-shin is complaining about being tied to the boulder himself, and Kaiou-bit is asking what the idea is. Gokuu tells the old coot to grab his tail with the pincers, powers up a bit, and starts walking foward at his own pace. The tail begins to emerge inch by inch. The tail reaches full length, Kaiou-bit comments on this, the old coot lets go of the pincers, and Gokuu goes flying away to smash into a distant boulder. Using binoculars, Kaiou-bit announces that they've finally succeeded. Gokuu happily waves his tail. [Commercial Break] The Tsufuru-jin worry about their master, and Baby says that he's done playing. Uubu's blast is returned back at him, and he starts changing. Kaiou-bit teleports to Planet Plant with Gokuu, and they try to locate Uubu. Uubu turns into chocolate, falls to the ground, and is eaten by Baby. Gokuu flies up, upset that he didn't arrive in time to save his friend. Baby comments on Gokuu's still being alive. They taunt each other again, and Gokuu shows his tail to prove that he can defeat Baby now. Baby is not impressed, so Gokuu goes SSJ-3. They fight again, and Gokuu still can't accomplish much. Baby says that the boy is weak, grabs the tail, and flings Gokuu into the ground to make a long trench. Gokuu yells out to ask Dai Kaiou-shin what's wrong. The old coot doesn't know. Gokuu smashes into a boulder, passes out and powers down. Baby thinks that it's over, and flies closer. Gokuu rolls over on his back, and curses at being too weak. Kaiou-bit and Dai Kaiou-shin try to figure out what the problem is. Gokuu stares up at Earth, wishing that he could protect it. He thinks about all of his friends, and how he can't save them. Then, his tail begins to twitch, and his heart starts speeding up in reaction to the light from the Full Earth. Gokuu begins transforming into a were-monkey, to the joy of Kaiou-bit and Dai Kaiou-shin. This time, the transformation includes a power up, and lots of damage to the countryside. Baby doesn't understand what's happening. Gokuu starts out as a giant brown were-monkey, and keeps changing to become a giant golden were-monkey (ougon oozaru). Using Vejiita's memories, Baby realizes that the light from the Full Earth has turned Gokuu into an oozaru. The Narrator asks if Gokuu's long-awaited change-over is enough to defeat Baby. ---------------------------- Note: V-Jump magazine implies that turning into a giant golden were-monkey (oozaru) is the base from which Gokuu can continue on to SSJ4. However, Vejiita-Baby can also become a golden oozaru. More on the Ougon Ouzaru (Golden Giant Monkey): V-Jump issue #3 (1997) describes in a little more detail things that won't be mentioned in the TV series for a while. First and foremost, Gokuu is NOT becoming Super Saiya-jin 4. He is becoming Super Gokuu 4. Basically, the nature of SSJ1 to SSJ3 revolves around the length and color of the hair, plus the amount of bulk on the body. But, Gokuu's hair is black again, and he essentially looks like he did as an adult. The differences being that now, most of his body is covered in red fur, and his eyes are also outlined in red. And, he has his tail. According to V-Jump, Gokuu-4 may actually be the true Legendary Super Saiya-jin. Since Saiya-jin never pulled out their tails, it seems likely that if a Saiya-jin went ballistic, it would be during the Ouzaru phase. And, Gokuu's going ballistic before, (SSJ1) occurred when he didn't have his tail. Either way, the only way to accomplish Gokuu-4 is first, to have his tail extracted from his body again (regrown). Next, look at the full moon/Earth/whatever and turn into a golden were-monkey (not a normal occurance, since most Saiya-jin Ouzaru have brown fur). Finally, make the power up (which involves either great rage, or longing) to Gokuu-4. Gokuu-4 is a LOT more powerful than SSJ-3 is. But, since Vejiita-Baby can also become a Ougon Ouzaru, there is a chance that Vejiita-Baby can still remain stronger than Gokuu-4 is. ---------------------------- This summary is the copyright of Curtis H. Hoffmann, April 1997. Permission is granted to copy this file as-is. Permission is NOT granted to reprint this summary in a for-profit magazine or publication. If you want to print this summary, in part or whole, in a fan magazine, please contact me first.
Mr Roshi

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